- 415 Washington Ave, Bayfield, WI 54814
- +1 (833) 446-7813
Operated by American Ghost Walks, tours begin at 7:30 pm and run from 1.5 to 2 hours. Tours are operated nightly except Mondays from late May through early November. Tours do run in rain and colder weather, so it is recommended to dress appropriately and wear comfortable shoes.
What To Expect
As a child in a house on Manypenny Avenue, a former owner’s daughter was often awakened by the unmistakable sensation of someone tickling her toes. This playful way to awaken children was a favorite method of Bayfield mothers. When she opened her eyes, she often saw no one else in the room. However, if she was quick enough, she could catch a fleeting glimpse of a lady in a green plaid dress. The female figure standing at the foot of her bed smiling, rapidly faded. However, the vision was solid enough in her memory to be identified.
On a visit to the Bayfield Library, the witness recognized the same woman in a green plaid dress in a commemorative portrait hanging on the wall. It was Winnie Robinson, a librarian and beloved member of the Bayfield community, who died unexpectedly of pneumonia in 1929 after a brief illness. She had lived in the house, the home of the original owner, her father, Judge Joseph Atkinson. Winnie never had the opportunity to have children of her own, but she could play with the children of those who lived in the house after she died.
Expect to learn more about paranormal encounters and ghost sightings at opulent local homes and charming B&Bs such as Le Château Boutin, Greunke’s First Street Inn, and At Ships Quarters. Many lesser-known and unassuming haunts are also included such as Morty’s Pub and Andy’s Grocery. See the Itinerary section below for a sample of the stops.